3 Card Psychic Reading


Discover what your guides are wanting  to share with you for your highest and greatest good.


Ask a specific question and receive guidance to help you move forward in alignment with your Soul’s truth.

Receive a 20-minute video-recorded psychic 3-card reading by Cara.

Cara will connect with your guides (including your higher self) to ask what is the most important message they would like to share with you that will help you live in alignment with your Soul’s path, or she will ask your guides (including your higher self) to provide clarity and direction related to your specific question. (Simply state in the comments section if you have a specific question)

Cara will pull 3 cards, one describing what has been going on, another to share insight as to why this reading is assisting with the clarity of what has been going on, and the third to provide action steps moving forward. You will receive guidance, validation, clarity, and/or answers to assist you along your Soul’s journey.

This 20-minute Psychic Card Reading is Being Brought Back as Cara has been feeling to reconnect with where her spiritual journey all began. 🥰  She is hoping these quick psychic readings will help support you along your journey the way they supported her.


20 min Psychic Reading – with Oracle Cards

video recorded reading sent to you – $50

Please provide the email you would like the recording to be sent.

Feel free to purchase this as a GIFT for a loved one (as a gift certificate). The certificate will be emailed to you or let Cara know if you would like her to send the person a note stating a reading has been gifted to them, explaining what the reading is, and confirming the email to send the recorded reading.

*Information provided is for guidance only and is subject to your own interpretation. Services are not a substitute or meant to replace services by any physician or other health care professional.

Readings will be rendered within 10-15 business days of the time of purchase. nonrefundable.


Additional information

Book Here

20min 3 Card Psychic Reading RECORDED

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