Cara Marshall is a Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Therapist & Healer. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher and is registered with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. Her training includes Reiki, Shamanism, Cranial Sacral, Visceral Manipulation, Nutrition, Nia and Psychosomatics. During her spiritual journey she also awakened her innate abilities as a medium, psychic and intuitive. She works with crystals, herbs, and essential oils, and infuses their healing benefits into her daily life, sessions and classes. She believes it is essential to continue to open up to the WHOLENESS within.
Everything exists within….Let’s connect with this truth and uncover your greatness.
Life is supportive, understanding, caring, joyous, loving and connecting. When we believe and trust in this philosophy our minds remain peaceful, bodies flow naturally, souls smile in truth, and WE experience TOTAL WELLNESS!
It is important to believe that YOU have the ability to live YOUR best life. All it takes is having awareness and receiving the soulful clarity to move forward with action!
My purpose is to SERVE, TEACH and SHARE… that WE can ALL experience our soul’s truth, love and bliss. Anam Cara’s mission is to continually grow, learn and LOVE LIFE even more each day! I want to share this excitement and truth with others, and in return….for myself as well…. With LOVE and LIGHT guiding my path, I have created services and offer classes, workshops and events that will help YOU DISCOVER YOU and the LIFE your Soul is desiring.
I live in the country, overlooking the Rocky Mountains in Longview, AB, with my husband (Jason), two sons (Tait & Jager), and kitties (Rosie, Vanilla and Cinnamon). I love watching the sun rise and set each day, the smell of nature, and the birds singing when I sit on my veranda swing. I enjoy a a good book, soaking in a bath, hiking, camping, swimming, sitting by any body of water, teaching and connecting with people, of ANY AGE! I am fascinated with listening to other people’s journeys…… my heart immediately opens wide and I get happy inside. I am grateful that my work allows me to experience this on a regular basis. I love sharing my work to the world and I look forward to connecting with YOU!
Cara’s Spiritual Journey
Gosh, where do I start? I could actually write a book describing ‘my journey’, however, keeping in mind this is a website, I will simply highlight the turning points in my adult life that stood out and helped me discover more of ME.
- Graduating from TUNS with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and beginning my ‘adult’ life. (Next stage on the assembly line of life)
- Picking up everything and moving to Alberta from PEI to see if I could make-a-go in the Engineering world out west and to try creating a new life on my own. (Learning to trust that all is well, no matter the outcome.)
- Climbing the Corporate ladder as a young female in a male dominated Engineering Field, and by the age of 29, managing an Engineering Consulting firm. (Knowing my worth)
- The birth of my children. Beginning to notice a shift in my priorities, and that my physical everyday life was not in alignment with my hearts desires. (Starting to discover there is more to life than the assembly line I was on…Illumination.)
- Re-defining my work hours and Engineering position within the company to create a work-life balance, allowing me to spend more time with my children and still being active as an Engineer. (Stepping into my power and creator energy)
- Waking up and noticing that I was choosing to sit and watch television rather than being active with the kids. Choosing to start living a healthy lifestyle…working out, completing an olympic triathlon, taking nutrition classes, and learning to eat clean. (Releasing victim thinking and opening the door to me)
- Losing a sister in the physical form. (Accepting spirituality, my soul, universal energy and my life path; Dissolving blockages)
- Attending workshops that brought awareness about ego, and ‘seeing’ clearly ‘my’ limitations and expectations. (Expanding/growing from the inside…..finding out ‘who I am’)
- Meeting my spiritual mentor and becoming a Reiki Master, incorporating Reiki in to my every day life. (Connecting my inner and outer worlds)
- Leaving my Engineering career and embracing the years of experience I had as a teacher/mentor. Acknowledging it was a stepping stone along my life’s path. (Stepping into the unknown and walking through the doorway….to ME)
- Starting a new career in Health and Wellness without obtaining a university degree…(Dissolving old paradigm beliefs.)
- Discovering my passion for my new work and thus taking further training….cranial sacral, visceral manipulation, Shamanism, Nia White Belt, Psychosomatics (Choosing the path of Joy)
- Entering the School of LIFE and sharing ME with the world….(Being authentic and living with purpose)…
- Acknowledging my desire to practice healing techniques while in nature and while hiking, and therefore opening a second business, Heart Wild Adventures to combine both passions into one. (Continually expanding and creating from my heart space)
Message from Anam Cara
We all have turning points throughout our lives, however, many times these ‘turning points’ go unnoticed and we continue to live out our lives through belief systems that may or may not be ‘ours’. Our awareness is soooo caught up in external business that we hardly take the time to listen to “ourselves”. When we take the time our truth becomes clear, ‘labels’ fall away, judgement and expectations become ‘lessons’ and our path to bliss becomes ‘easier’……all contributing to the expansion of our souls. How we ‘achieve’ this is unique for each and every one of us as we are all here collectively experiencing ‘life’ through our individual experiences.
I feel very blessed and thankful for my journey thus far and am grateful for all the experiences that have lead me to this life of sharing love and light. Thank-you for connecting with me through this website, may your path be filled with joy, happiness, love and bliss.
xoxo Cara Marshall
Just finished another beautiful, insightful,fulfilling session with Miss Marshall. There is nothing in life better than being able to trust your healer with everything you want to heal. I have been seeing Cara for about 5 years. She has helped me become the person I am today. There are no words for the spiritual gifts … Continue reading Tania Jules
Cara has literally changed my life. She’s become so much more than just a spiritual healer, she’s my friend and mentor and a true blessing. Shes taught me so much about life and helped me find me again… I had a lot of loss from suicide in my life and I was able to get … Continue reading Stephanie Conroy